Hello! We are Jodi + Martina. We are thrilled you've found our blog, and we are excited to share our recent sessions + latest happenings.
I promised myself starting January 1st, 2020 I would document more. When I say document I not only mean take photos but write more. This post is for myself, my thoughts, my story. I don’t care about punctuation, spelling or grammar, this is my post, my story, my thoughts.
This weekend was spent doing nothing, when I say nothing, we made the most out of nothing. I had the morning and afternoon with my girls on Saturday, so to figure out what to do on a cold February day without spending money can be a bit challenging, especially when there is one of me and two (three including the dog) of them.
So I decided to strap on my snow boots, load up the car with all three of them and one of me. I took us all to the park. This moment could have gone TERRIBLY wrong, the dog could have ran this direction while my, almost, three year old could have taken off this direction, while I needed to keep an eye on my 1 year old….. WELL… it went AMAZINGLY, the dog stayed near me and listened to every word I said and Chloe played beautifully on the snow covered playground. Carli even had her first swing ride. Not going to lie, it still was a complete challenge to get them all from point A, to point B to point C, but we did!
Miss, Chloe’s curiosity continues to grow and her urge for creativity is so amazing. When I get ready in the morning, so just loves to sit up by me on the bathroom counter and play with my make-up palettes. I just let her go, why stop her. On the other side of the coin, is miss Carli, a blabbing, also curious, almost, one year old who wants so badly to walk, but she just can’t figure out how to get one foot to go in-front of the other.
Today It snowed, and snowed and snowed, an opportunity to go crazy inside a house with two small children who are antsier then every, however, we made the most of the day. I concurred my to-do list like never before, cleaning the entire house, doing all the laundry, the load of dishes that needed to be washed, wrapped up my last portrait session I needed to edit and my quick workout that I needed to do! I feel AMAZING, while both girls cooperated beautifully.
Being a parent is the biggest challenge I have ever had to go through, trying to divide my time evening so that I am there and doing what needs to be done. With every challenge that comes my way, I witness the cutest and most proudest moments, like when Chloe points out the letters that words begin with or when Carli sits in her new big-girl car seat and just laughs the entire way to daycare. This is love this is what life is all about. The biggest, most selfless thing I will ever do and I don’t regret a moment. I love you Chloe and Carli!
— Your Mom