Hello! We are Jodi + Martina. We are thrilled you've found our blog, and we are excited to share our recent sessions + latest happenings.
So I sent my camera in for a little cleaning this last week and I won’t get it back for a couple weeks, so my photos will be at a minimum. With that, I was still able to snap just a couple photos that, to mean, speak volumes. I had an emotional week. I have been doing a lot of thinking about life, worrying about things I can’t control and wondering if there is anything I can do to even try to help the future.
Being a mom, you don’t worry about yourself anymore. Yeah I can tell when I don’t feel right or when I know I need something,but I can’t do that for my little girl. I don’t know if she doesn’t feel good or if she is upset and with time this will get even worse. I always, always want to be that ear to listen, shoulder to cry on and embrace she needs. As the years fly on and my little baby grows into a woman, I want to always lead each day with an open mind and heart, to appreciate the things I have and embrace the things I can’t.
Life is so precious and so interesting. Time never slows down, you better keep up with it otherwise you might miss something. But something I heard tonight. You are given one life, you better fill that life with everything you possibly can otherwise that life isn’t worth much!
There’s a little insight into my emotional week.. haha.. I just wanted to dig deep into my life and what time I have left. I don’t want to miss one moment and I sure want to spend each moment as if it was my last!