Hello! We are Jodi + Martina. We are thrilled you've found our blog, and we are excited to share our recent sessions + latest happenings.
I try and find inspiration in everything I do, but sometimes it is hard, I really have to stop and concentrate to find an ounce of inspiration. I have decided to start a new exercise. I love taking pictures, I love inspiration, but I honestly am not the greatest at writing, finding the words to say. So my exercise… Find inspiration, document it, and write about it. This will be a great way for me to dig deep and find what sparks creativity, and it will allow me to reach for those hidden words. I find that my words come from the heart, so if I am documenting inspiration subjects, the words should flow…. right?
Alright.. Here we go…
Baking Christmas Cookies – –
I can take basic cookies and be inspired (hehe I have a big sweet tooth), but it goes much deeper then that. It is the time of year I bake cookies, the time of day, and most of all the people I bake with. Once a year my mom, sister and I get together and do a little baking. This year we had a couple additions: Katherine (niece) and BEN!!!! (brother), yeah that was a faint moment! With that being said there are few things that cause inspiration: 1. The fact that we only bake once a year, a day to cherish, look forward to. 2. Family gets together, laughs, sings, dances and makes memories. 3. Memories. This one is huge. Baking Christmas Cookies once a year creates memories, something that I live to do. I will forever have this moment close to my heart. That day was frozen in time, what we wore, the placements of the cookies, and the people who gathered. This is something that can not be taken away from me. This is the feeling I crave, the feeling that INSPIRES!
This inspiration that I created from baking Christmas cookies is what I carry over to my photography… this is my direction… who I am… what I live for!
Enjoy my memories:
Katherine is pooped out from all the cookie baking!
Hugs to cherrish FOREVER! Do not let a day go by that you don’t give thanks, every day is a gift, make it the most!
Numbers 6:24-26
“The LORD bless you and keep you;the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”